sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013

Lately when I look into your eyes I realized
You’re the only one I need in my life. Baby I just don’t know how to decribe
How lovely you made me feel inside.

You're the only one I need

In your eyes I find a hope,
A hope in your eyes I’ve seen.
And on your lips I find a kiss,
A kiss that gives me wings:
To fly away into the sky,
Into the sky so blue.
I’d give up everything I am,
To be everything to you.

In my soul there is a yearning,
To hold you in my arms.
And in my heart there is a burning,
To keep you from all harm.

Your voice as sweet as honey,
ever-tender in my ear.
Your lips dripping nectar from the gods
To sooth away my fears.

In your fingertips I find a touch,
Feels like fire on my skin.
You’ve given me the torch of love,
To light my flame again.

I want to lay with you under the stars,
To see them sparkle in the skies,
To kiss your lips so tenderly
And get lost in the depth of your eyes.

In your smile I see a love,
A love that stretches to the skies.
And in my smile I know you’ll find
A love that will NEVER die.
Se supone que se trata de eso ¿no? De que todo en la vida es rutina, y en esa rutina diaria es en la que cada uno decide su camino. Y eso significa equivocarse, significa caer y significa el esfuerzo de levantarse. Significa darnos cuenta de nuestros errores, darnos cuenta de que toda acción trae consecuencias. Significa echar de menos cosas que ya no tenemos, significa querer volver a tras para arreglar asuntos pendientes, significa arrepentimientos por cosas que hicimos, pero sobre todo por las que no hicimos. Significa querer cambiar, significa odiar esa rutina llena de tantas cosas negativas, significa querer irse lejos. Significa no haber luchado, significa que otras personas te decepcionen, significa que tú te decepciones a ti misma.